Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Screenwriting exercise

I was reading this post, 2006 Movie Sneaks, over on Ken Levine's blog, and it got me to thinking about just how correct Ken is about similar sounding projects turning out very differently.

Then my mind turned to how we could use this as an experiment in screenwriting.

As a screenwriting exercise, I thought I might place a logline on my blog in a few weeks (after Matthijs Hollemans' Screenwriting Fortnight) and let writers throughout the scribosphere write a short (a page or less) summary of the plot they'd make from that logline.

We could each post up our summaries on our own blogs by a certain deadline (we'd have to be careful not to peek at other people's efforts first though).

Alternatively, everyone who is participating could email me their page, and I could post them all up on a page on Behind the Celluloid Curtain (properly credited to author, of course) so we could compare them side by side.

I think it would be an interesting experiment to find the infinite variety of ideas, plots, and genres we'd get from the same logline.


Blogger Adam Renfro said...

I always do that with loglines. I try to imagine what it might be like if it were my movie.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 4:23:00 PM  

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